Wednesday, 12 August 2015

     Review: Everybodys Gone To The Rapture

       Games aren't art? Read this...

Lets get this out of the way right off the bat: Everybodys Gone To The Rapture isnt much of a game in the traditional sense. It is more of an interactive story experience. You simply control a character walking through a beautiful little village in Shropshire, England and its bloody marvelous. There, job done. Go buy it. But ofcourse it wouldnt be much of a review if we left it there so perhaps I should elaborate...

       Walking Walking Walking...

The game begins in 1984, with you listening to some sort of distress call from an American woman proclaiming she is the only person left. I will admit upon hearing that American accent I was almost ready to sigh that this was yet another "british" game that was about as far removed from an english setting as you can get. Yet this was not to be. Infact, Everybodys Gone To The Rapture may be one of the most unapologetically English games I have ever played. The American woman is indeed an Amercican through and through. A scientist come to investigate the goings on in the area. But the rest of the characters all have the accent and mannerisms you would expect to find in a little village in the south of England. The village itself, whilst fictional, could be a real English village, full of green and gold trees, pubs with silly names, and that ultimate English pastime, writing rude comments on bustops ( a message declaring Derek is a massive dickhead no less...) .
 The game is pretty much a walking simulator. with you walking from destination to beautiful destination uncovering the heartbreaking storyline as you go. However it is much greater than the sum of its parts and never feels like a chore moving through these areas.
The story revolves around some sort of event that has made the inhabitants of this village dissapear, leaving only these strange ghostly lights flying around here and there. A radio transmission instructs you to "follow the light" and so off you go to find out just what has happened here. To say anymore of the story truly would be an attack on what this game is all about,story. Needless to say from the very first moment you take control of this game it is intriguing, mysterious and hauntingly beautiful.

         Proof That Story Is Important In Games

If you are reading this and wondering when the protagonist aquires a gun and starts destroying everything in sight then perhaps this isnt the game for you. Rest assured you would be missing out on one of the greatest gaming experiences of the last few years. Much like Journey enthralled and entertained with its combatless exploration of a fantasy land, Everybodys Gone To The Rapture has you exploring a much more realistic setting which is positively dripping with atmosphere. helped in no small part by the absolutely phenominal soundtrack. As a fellow Englishman living in the North of England and being a child of the eighties the game hits all the right notes with me. I am certain that gamers from anywhere in the world would enjoy the fantastic visuals and incredible story though.

            How Much I would Pay

There isnt much bad I can say about Everybodys Gone To The Rapture. I suppose I could say the game isnt action packed. But that would be missing the point of the game entirely. It would be like complaining there is no football in a shooter. Also the game isnt especially long. I finished the game in just over 6 hours, a perfect amount of time for an experience like this. This game is about (and solely about) telling a tale to the player. A brilliant, atmospheric, heartbreaking tale that I cant recommend enough.

I would pay full price (£15) for Everybodys Gone To The Rapture

                     THE WAIT IS OVER

Guess who's back? Yes after a ( ridiculously) long time off I am back to do news and reviews aplenty. I did want peoples opinions however on how they would prefer to see things. 
would people prefer to view the articles here on this facebook page? Or would you prefer to click on the link to take you to my blog? Please do comment and dont forget to smother the like button. Review incoming very very soon...

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Short News

Waiting Can Be Hard.

T.V does have some amazing shows. They can generate more hype than movies. Sometimes you get a T.V series that is part of one big universe with the movies and T.V series all happening in the same world with occasional crossovers between the two mediums. And sometimes it can be a painful process waiting for the show to return after a spellbinding cliffhanger. This is the case with the Agents Of Shield T.V series. The show may not generate the same level of hype as the exposively exciting movies based in the MCU,  (Marvel Cinematic Universe) but it is none the less goosebump inducingly thrilling to hear the series is back on T.V this friday.
   Yes this friday, 27th March 2015, in the UK on Channel 4, the second part of the second series of the Agents Of Shield T.V series is coming back and I cannot wait. Dont worry there will be no spoilers here for people who are catching up, however I will say you have just a few more days to do so.

 Agents Of Shield, Series 2, part 2, 27th March 2015 on Channel 4. Watch it, its brilliant.

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Top Ten Reasons: To Own A Xbox One

Time Is A Healer.

I will be the first to admit that when the Xbox One was first announced I was less than impressed. No games were announced and a rather silly focus on T.V features immediately threw me off the metaphorical fence as to whether to purchase an "Xbone". E3 also proved disasterous for Microsoft as Don Mattrick, then boss of xbox, proudly announced DRM features for the Xbox One. DRM, for the unclued, means digital rights media and basically means you would have to be online to activate the console. No online? No console. The Xbox One's popularity took a further hit by Don Mattricks infamous quote. When questioned why the Xbox One would have DRM features he replied in a smug voice  "we have a product for people who cant get online, its called the Xbox 360"...Face, and indeed, palm.

Since then things have been on the up and up for Xbox One though. So I thought I would start my top ten reasons series with the top ten reasons to own an Xbox One. Enjoy.

1: No more DRM.

Possibly the biggest reason to own an Xbox One is that soon after the E3 press conference Microsoft performed an equally infamous "180" and declared that Xbox One would no longer have DRM upon launch. This strangely annoyed alot of gamers due to the easy way Microsoft went back on their announcement. However I prefer to say no harm no foul. We never actually experienced DRM on the Xbox One and have never experienced it since launch so I dont really see what the fuss is about. I commend any company that is willing to admit a mistake and rethink a strategy. Besides, most of these silly decisions are heavily rumoured to have been made by Don Mattrick, which brings me to reason two...

2: No More Don Mattrick.

The apparent mastermind behind the DRM debacle Don Mattrick is no longer the boss of Microsoft's Xbox devision, replaced by Phil Spencer, the Xbox has since enjoyed a much bigger focus on games and improved features for the gamers, which I will get into in a moment. Put simply Phil Spencer seems to have single handedly turned much of Xbox One's misfortunes around and that is worth mentioning in this list.

3: More Exclusives

Love or hate the Xbox One's exclusive games there is no denying there are many in comparrison to the PS4's rather emaciated line up. Ryse: Son of Rome. Sunset Overdrive. Forza 5, Forza Horizon 2, Screamride, Dead Rising 3 and Halo: The Master Chief Collection to name just a few exclusives that are well worth a playthrough and add meat to the already meaty bones of the Xbox One.

4: Kinect

Okay bear with me here, I know Kinect has had a less than stellar relationship with the gamer. But the Kinect 2.0 that can be bundled with the Xbox One is a fantastic peice of kit. The voice activated commands simply work and once you use them to pause a film or turn on your machine you wont want to go back to the pesky button presses of old. And Xbox does have some great games enhanced by Kinect. Disney's Fantasia is a surprisingly excellent game that truly makes you feel like a wizard of sound and music. Ryse: Son of Rome makes you feel like a true roman god as you bellow "FIRE VOLLEY" at your troups. Forza 5 has an immersive head tilting feature where a slight tilt of the head turns the drivers head in first person mode, enabling you to see into the corners. With the exception of Fantasia all the above can be used with traditional pad controls too so if you really dont want to bother with Kinect you dont have to. Which brings me to...

5: No Kinect

If reason four has you shaking your head in dismay then fear not. Xbox One has you covered here also. You can now buy an Xbox One without Kinect and while I personally prefer Kinect features on my console I still appreciate that it is now an optional purchase.

6: The Pad

Believe it or not I wasnt a fan of the Xbox 360's pad. It felt too chunky and cheap to me. The Xbox One pad, while retaining much of the same design is much much much improved. Its smaller. It does not have the cover for the batteries protruding out from the back of the pad. The buttons feel clicky and responsive. There is an amazing rumble feature in the triggers aswell as the pad. And perhaps best of all it has a D-pad that works. The Xbox pad design has gone from one of my least liked designs to one of the best and most comfortable with the One.

7: Upload

A great feature for any gamer who likes to stream gameplay to friends and fans is the Upload studio. A built in app on the Xbox that, with Kinect, allows you to stream any game at any time to Twitch ( A site built for streaming gameplay of games *ed). If fully broadcast gameplay isnt your thing then at any point during gameplay you can say "Xbox, record that" and it will upload the last minute or so of gameplay. You can then use the Upload studio to edit your clip. Shorten it, add other clips to the mix and now simple green screen features can be utilised to add a short (and probably hilarious) clip of you striding accross the moon or doing a comic book pose or anything else that will more than likely embarrass more than entertain.You can also now take screenshots of your gameplay and send them to twitter. Screenshots are a great way of showing off special moments of gameplay without having to go through the hassle of uploading a video or talking on it. A simple but welcome feature.

8: Suspended Games

A rather brilliant feature this. Picture the scene: You are just about to get to that bit on the game you have been trying to conquer for weeks yet you have to *insert very important thing here* which means the game needs to go off. And you haven't saved for three hours. With the Xbox One you can pause the game, turn off the system, do your thing then when you come to turn on the Xbox One again, even if it has been days, the paused game will be waiting for you where you left it. This is one of my favorite features of the Xbox One and one I use often.
One word of advice I learned the hard way though: please dont unplug the system!

9: One System Mentality

Yes when the Xbox One was first announced I scoffed at the intergrated T.V features but again it is something that now just works.  Being able to watch a multitude of T.V programmes or movies or gaming based shows from the service of your choosing (there are many now) is great and one that was not possible just a few years ago. What makes it great to watch all this on Xbox One though, aside from the aforementioned voice commands, is the ability to "snap" a sidescreen of your choice while watching the shows. Watching a Twitch stream and wish to know more about the game being shown without coming away from the show? Just snap the Internet Explorer and search the game while the show is still playing. Its a nifty feature and one that should be experienced to truly understand it.

10: Evolution

Lastly, and arguable this is the most important reason to own an Xbox One is the constantly evolving features that are added on a monthly basis by Microsoft. Its a rather unique experience to console gamers and to prove how far the system has come know this: Most of the features I have mentioned above did not exist at launch. They were added by the monthly updates by Microsoft. Of course these are free updates and with more on the way its great to know that the system you have bought is being constantly improved by its creators.

The System Works.

So there you have it. My top ten reason to get an Xbox One. While at launch the system may have  had a steep hill to climb I really think in 2015 the Xbox One is now on a par with the PS4. The system now, as I have mentioned numorous times in this article, works. As usual I must disclaim that this is purely my own opinion. If the Xbox One remains an underwhelming product to you after you have read this article then more power to you for it. We are blessed in 2015 with a true choice of gaming devices. All I ask is that people give them all a chance because after all, gamers do have one thing in common: Their love of games.

Friday, 13 March 2015

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, 2014 Movie

Movie That I Half-Like. Turtle Power?

I'm afraid I will start this review as Im sure many have: By reflecting upon the original 90's movie or cartoon (Its dependant on your experiences with the original turtles as to whether you get the headings play on words *ed). The Original movie was immensely popular and full of early nineties charm. As a kid seeing these animatronic turtles in motion was a magical sight. At the time special effects were not common place as they are today and being a fan of the cartoon I couldnt get enough of the pizza loving fellows. Also a big love of mine as a child were the Transformers. Along with the Turtles I had the toys, bought the horrid themed food (Apple pie and custard pizza,yes really *ed) and generally immersed myself in the Turles and Transformers universe as much as a kid can.
    After Michael Bay destroyed one franchise, realising he was producing the latest Turtles movie aswell filled me with a nostalgic dread. And so with trepidation I decided to watch the film and see if I could find the turtles through all the inevitable explosions.

Mutant Turtle Ninja Teenagers?

I knew watching the film I would have to let go of any memories I have of the 90's Blockbuster. Hard when you are a man of my narrow minded age. Yet I did so to remain unbias for this review. The movie does take a few detours away from the original, as it should being a reboot. Shredder is now in a robotic exoskeleton with blades protruding from just about every orifice. The turtles are much more stereotyped by their personalities. Raphael is about as black as you could make a green turtle. Donatello has so many gadget's upon his person that it is hard to tell if he is meant to be part cyborg or not. Michelangelo has been turned into a sex starverd fourteen year old and Leonardo is about as bland as you would expect because,you know, leaders are'nt cool. And April O'neil? Well April O'neil is Megan Fox. Take that how you see fit...
   As for the story it's a rather typical one of a nosy reporter (O'neil) stumbling upon "The Foot", a group of terrorists intent on destroying the city, before being saved by the film's protagonists. Thus O'Neil and the Turtles team up to stop The Foot and the Shredder from achieving their goal. And that is about it. There is a rather predictable twist part way through the movie featuring a character that was so obviously bad he may as well have had it tattoo'd on his head but aside from that you have pretty standard summer popcorn fare. Add to that a rigidly wooden performance bt Fox and an elevater scene that is cringeworthy in its attempt at humour and you have a film that is sorely lacking in places.


You could argue that you dont watch a movie like this for the story or even the acting quality. And if you are just after action and fighting then this film fares better. The action is, as you would expect rather groovy and despite my best intentions had me guffawing like a schoolboy on certain scenes. The downhill snowchase being a highlight and one of the only moments in the film showing the Turtles teamwork in play. There is some great action to be seen then however I do have a few niggles. Perhaps it is my weary eyes not being as fast as they used to be but alot of the CGI and subsequent action scenes seemed quited washed out and blurry to me. It was the same with the Transformers movies where too much seemed to be going on and moving on screen making for hard viewing. The above is purely my experience with the film however and may not be what everyone sees when watching the movie.

What I would Pay For This Film

The new TMNT film is of course getting a sequel in 2016 and that is because no matter how wooden the acting, forced the comedy or cliche the story people love a good action film. If you watch this film expecting plenty of action and not much else then this will entertain. If however you expect something abit more...moreish then perhaps you should show your distaste the only way these filmmakers understand: By not buying. That is as always though, absolutely up to you.

I would pay £5 for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Food for Thought: Is The PS4 Really The Best Console?

Lets Start With The Bad News...

You have more than likely heard by now that Uncharted 4 has been delayed until Spring 2016. Bad news indeed as Im sure I speak for everyone in saying it was one of this years most anticipated PS4 exclusives. It has lead me to ponder, "What other exclusives is there for the PS4 this year  that can fill the gap?" and Im coming up empty. We have Bloodbourne, due in a couple of weeks, but after that what does the PS4 have coming to it and only it? Sure it has many many fantastic games but very few that are exclusive to the system and that has lead me to writing this article and asking the above question: Is the PS4 really the best console available right now? Before we go on (And I am mudered by overzelous fanboys *ed) please note that this article is solely my opinion and is simply food for thought as the title suggests.

Popularity Breeds Quality?

The PS4 has sold twenty million units so far. Twenty million! That is around a quarter of Englands entire population. When compared against the ten million sold by the Wii U, which has been out twice as long, or the Xbox One which has sold just over ten million thats quite a large lead. The question of quantity does not however go hand in hand with quality. Just because something is popular does not mean it is the best quality product on the market. I mean look at cars. The Ford Prius has sold exceptionally well despite it being made out of toothpicks and bits of toilet roll* (*may not be factually accurate *ed).
   So is the PS4 worth the popularity? Well yes, and no. As mentioned above the console has some fantastic games for it. Destiny, GTAV, Assassins Creed Unity and Black Flag, Dying Light and Infamous Secod Son to name a few. But with the exception of Infamous all those games were released on Xbox one too. Of course its at this point many a gamer who feels they should violently protect their plastic will point out that the above games run better on PS4. That is true but for most people the differences are negligable. I find it hard to see the difference between a 1080p and a 900p (The resolution,as in how clear the game looks *ed) game on my Fourty-two inch T.V and Im certain most gamers would say the same.
   When we judge the PS4 based upon its exclusive library the picture is less rosy. Knack, Killzone: Shadowfall Infamous: Second Son, #DRIVECLUB, Resogun, Final Fantasy xiv (Console exclusive *ed) and The Order 1886 are a majority of the exclusives released for the system so far. Thats eight games released exclusively since November 2013. That is a worryingly low number of games that can only be played on the ps4.

Competition Breeds Contempt?

Looking over at the competition with around double the exclusives in the Xbox One camp and double again for Wii U a casual observer would be forgiven for asking the question: "Why is the PS4 so popular?". Its a good question and one I can only speculate on. Firstly the WiiU: I think People were expecting a massive leap in quality and because it was the first in the next gen consoles, with a year before PS4/Xbox One, gamers judged the machine harshly. By the time PS4 and box One roled out gamers had already nailed the proverbial coffin shut on the Wii U.
   The same hasty negative opinion was cemented when Microsoft held its disasterous Xbox One reveal event. DRM ( need to be online to play the game *ed) functionality and a distinctive lack of games over sport and T.V features put many gamers off the Xbox One. Even though at launch, and since launch, the Xbox One has improved dramatically- No more DRM and a much bigger,better focus on games- alot of fans find it hard to forget that horrible showcase event.
   Jump to the PS4 reveal and its performance at E3 2013 and you can see that holding a good press event can be hugely important in your products future. I truly believe the main reason why PS4 has sold so many units over the competition is less to do with the console and more with how the console has been portrayed through hype. The E3 2013 event had the crowd literally screaming from their seats as  Jack Tretton, the CEO of Sony Of America at the time, delivered bombshell after bombshell out doing and out performing the Microsoft event in every way possible. And so a positive vision was set for the PS4 before it was even released. Now jump to the present and you can see how important it is to plant these hyperbolic seeds of excitement.

The Ultimate Question

The question then: Is the PS4 really the best console? Well if you think I am silly enough to answer that think again. I have a wife and family and would rather not be Swatted or Fraped (google them *ed) or generally feel the wrath from any of the unfortunate fan boys out there who value their console above their own worth. What I will say however is that the answer may not be as clear cut as you would think. You should always remember opinion is subjective and just because your mates all have a PS4 does not mean you have to get one also. As the Wachowski's (Of The Matrix fame *ed) say: Make up your own damn mind.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Short blog: Sleuth Is Out Now

Thank You For Your Patience.

 Sleuth,the app I reviewed earlier this week is now available to download after a few teething problems. Matt Thomas and his company, SimWave wish to offer their opologies to all who were trying to download the game on monday and I would like to personally ask anyone who was wanting to download the game to do so. These technical hiccups can happen in the gaming world and unlike mega AAA releases like Assassins Creed Unity where the devs can afford to release a broken game and patch it, knowing full well they will make their profits whether they do so or not, smaller devs like SimWave simply cant afford things like this to affect them.
   So please do download the game. I gave it rather glowing praise as a simple but fun and addicting word game in my review on monday. I stick by that and as a free download it truly wont affect you at all to give it a try.
   Thank you

Monday, 9 March 2015

Short News: Java is a pain

Unfortunately SimWave have been unable to release their game Sleuth today due to technical difficulties with Java. My heart really does go out to Matt and his workfellows and I have been assured the game WILL be released at some point this week.
   I dont normally beg, but for small companies like SimWave this can have a fatal butterfly effect on everything. I implore anyone and everyone who was intending to download the game to remain patient and please please give the game a download when it does release. In the mean time check my review of the game in the previous post.
  Thank you for your understanding.

Review: Sleuth, Android/IOS

The Game Is Afoot! Well Actually Its An App...

Any who have been following my Blog over the last week or so will know that I was approached recently by a delightful fellow called Matthew Thomas. He and his acquaintance's at SimWave Consulting have developed an app called Sleuth and he very kindly asked if I would review it. And thats exactly what I am doing here today. So what is Sleuth? Is it the next AAA masterpeice that demand's your attention? Or is it something that Sherlock wannabe's will deduce to not be their Deer Stalker hat of choice? Read on and find out...

Small Does Not Mean Insignificant.

So starting with the easiest, what is Sleuth? Well it is a trivia app, available later on this week for Android and IOS. The aim of the game is to guess as many words as you can within the time limit. To do this, four pictures appear on the screen,one after the other, regarding different subject's (so film, sport, places etc *ed) and the quicker you answer them the better the score you have at the end.
   There are games like this in drove's on Android and IOS but this one does have me hooked for a few reason's. Firstly, there is a score attack quality to the game and I must say I am addicted. Because you are constantly on a timer and the four picture clues do not reveal themselves straight away, it does add some excitement to what would otherwise be a dime a dozen app. Also unique to Sleuth is the community these guys hope to create through the game. There are online leaderboards so you can compare scores with friends, and there is a physical prize that SimWave Consulting will give to the person who gets the best score at the end of the month and year. Those being a rather nifty Sleuth T-shirt for the monthly top score and a "grand prize" for the person to gain the highest annual score.
   Its these little touch's that I dont see very much in apps like this so I can do nothing but praise the app for being that little bit different from the rest.

What I Would Pay For This Game.

So no, this isnt the next big AAA masterpeice but maybe it can demand some attention. It's a harmless enough game and one that I am rather addicted to. No it isnt going to set the world on fire but that does'nt mean it is not worth a look. The game is free if you are okay with ads invading your game and 99p if you would rather have ads abolished from the game. Whether you wish to spend the pennies to remove the ads is entirely up to you though I would consider giving the free version a download. At the very least it helps small companies like SimWave to get their foot in the door. And that is something I am willing to do for these guys. After all they have given me this small chance to gain a bit more popularity so to me the decision is elementary. Okay enough with the Sherlock jokes! Please do give this game a try, all it cost's is a little bit of you attention and you never know, you could be fighting me for that mysterious grand prize...

I Would Pay Attention To Sleuth.

Sunday, 8 March 2015


Good Things Come To Those Who...

#DRIVECLUB has had a very long road to drive down. Sitting here writing this review I am faced with a mix of emotions and memories. If I were to think back to when this game was first anounced in February 2013 (At the PS4 anouncement event *ed) it would be full of shameless schoolboy excitement and hype. Memories of game director Paul Rustchynsky gushing over the power of the PS4 and how it had allowed his team to show details like individual stitching on the cars seats. The graphics looked astoundingly realistic and phrase's like "Gran-Turismo beater" were thrown around with reckless abandon. Also announced was "#DRIVECLUB PS plus edition", a free version of the game for all PS plus subscribers. As a PS4 launch game many gamers (myself included) simply could not wait.
   Fast forward to just a few week before the PS4 launch and emotions and memories would take a downward spiral as #DRIVECLUB was delayed until "early 2014". Early 2014 brought with it more bad news with more delays and more disapointment. Infact #DRIVECLUB was not released until Early October 2014 and what a pitiful release it was. So #DRIVECLUB is a bad game? No, its actually brilliant and one of this generations best racers. So, as is becoming standard with my reviews allow me to explain this contradiction.

Wait For It, Wait For It!

It is common knowledge now that upon release  #DRIVECLUB, despite the numerous delays, was a mess. The promised online features were non existent. Upon starting a race you would have horrible and distracting red wording slide accross the screen informing you that the #DRIVECLUB servers were not working, thus prohibiting you from playing the game as intended. No club consisting of friends and other online players earning points for you was able to be made.
   Also promised and not in the game at launch were the incredible weather effect's. Even in snowy Canada the day was as bright and clear as any you would see in sunnier climes.
   And perhaps the biggest promise to break was the admission of the PS plus edition of the game, forcing excited gamers like myself to have to purchase the full game if they wanted to play the game at launch.
   Gameplay itself was,and is, solid. The cars handle well and you can tell alot of attention has been made to ensure the cars feel realistic, yet arcadey. You do have to brake unless you wish to be eating grass yet at the same time can throw the cars around rather satisfyingly. Its a nice unique blend and the games best mechanism by far. But looking back to October 2014 utilising this handling in single player only races around bland environments, thanks to the lack of weather, felt extremely bare bones. There was no drift,speed or racing line challenges that could be created on the tracks by other players. No clubs or community to speak of and the game was certainly not worth the full price punt Evolution Studio's and Sony were asking for.

I Would Pay £10 For #DRIVECLUB

But wait, this review isnt finished! Yes the game that was released in October deserves the above price placed upon it. But Evolution Studio's thankfully knew the initial release of the game was not up to the standards us gamers were expecting. So they set out to right these wrongs with constant updates regarding their server status, dragging the game to the online community a few weeks after release. At this point the servers were far from stable and though it was now possible to have an online game it was still shaky at best. 
   Weather was still non existent at this point and the PS plus edition was "delayed until further notice" creating further frustration and disapointment in many. Infact, #DRIVECLUB could not really be considered a full game, with all the features we were expecting, until several MONTHS down the line. It was in January that the game finally had its dynamic weather effects, fully functioning online clubs, a fantastic photo mode, challenges that could be created between players and clubs and any sort of functioning community in the game. 

To rectify this discrace Evolution Studio's did provide us with many free dlc packs including new cars, events and, more recently the new area of Japan to race upon. But to many this will have been too little too late. This is what makes #DRIVECLUB such a difficult game to review. Because if you are one of the unlucky ones who purchased the game at launch you have more than likely lost interest by now as the initial game was not substantial enough to hold the attention. If you are one of the few who stuck by the game however it is a much rosier picture. I love my racing games, so thankfully stuck with the game. Playing #DRIVECLUB with the weather effects in motion finally give you an indication of  what the devs were intending to achieve in the first place. An incredibly visceral, visually stunning and intense racing game. Its rare for this gamer to praise graphics over gameplay. But with the weather effects switched on the game just comes alive, with droplets of water swaying up and being realistically swished away by the animated windscreen wipers. Reflections of the car and evironment glisten in the wet road with puddles being distracted and deformed as the car of your choice zooms through. Its really rather amazing and one of the first visuals Im seeing in a game where I truly feel like next gen is here. Add to this the feeling you are never alone in the game,even in singleplayer, with challenge markers left by the community sporadically spashed over parts of the track. The game finally (such an overused word in this review! *ed) feels like it should have done in the first place: Well made.
   Rather brilliantly Evolution Studio's say they are not done with updating the game either, with video replays promised for March and further dlc expansions being made up until June.

What I Would Pay For This Game

Yes, #DRIVCLUB is a difficult game to review. Still in the air is the PS plus edition of the game, and that is a true shame and something that should not really be forgiven.You could shout outrage at your pc screen/ laptop/ T.V for its worryingly persistent lack of presence. And I would be hard pressed to argue with that. More to your loss however, you could be a stubborn oaf and declare the game has had its chance and it blew it. Its here where I can say with confidence if you did so you would be missing out on what I believe to be the premier racing experience on PS4. It is all a matter of sensibilities I suppose. Let me say it like this: If you have some disposable income and are looking for a racing game for your PS4, I would not find it difficult at all to heartily recommend #DRIVECLUB as the game for you.

I Would Pay £35 for #DRIVECLUB

Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Short Blog: Time for some sleuthing...

My First Week Has Been Mind Blowing.

I never thought after just one week of doing this blogging lark I would garner the attention of an actual game developer. Yet exactly that has happened. I've recently been in touch with a super young fellow called Matt, who has, along with his cohorts at Simwave created himself a trivia app called Sleuth.
He has very kindly allowed me to review a copy of the game which will be available on IOS and Android devices. It would mean a whole bunch to both me, him and Simwave if you would take a look at the website: 
  A review of the game will be coming very very soon. In my later years of life on this spinning rock (wow I sound so old! *ed) I'm finding the smaller, Indy and mobile games to be much more to my liking than the many samey FPS games involving massive guns and Michael bay style explosion porn. Sure I love a good shooter. I recently reviewed The Order 1886 and gave it a glowing recommendation so of course I know games like that are great. But more people should realise there is room for the smaller games too. Variety is the spice of life after all.
  So please do stay tuned for my review of Sleuth. Its a dog eat dog world out there and I'm certain Matt and the guys at Simwave would appreciate the attention.

22 "inovative" lines to plead for likes/shares/thumbs up etc.

I Promise I Dont Stalk. Anymore.

I haven't been doing this blog for very long at all. Just over a week actually and its dawning on me that to get any sort of recognition requires not just hard work, but creative begging too. There are quite a few "beggars" out there,some of them witty, some of them cringeworthy yet all of them memorable. And thats what makes a difference. It doesn't really matter how annoying,strange of outragious the line is. If it sticks in the grey matter then you have a chance of earning those fabled likes or shares.
  So I thought it would be fun to think up some of my own. Some will be shamelessly straightforward, others you may find just shameless. Feel free to use them if you like. You never know,  you may get a few likes in the process. Or not...

1: Sharing is caring
2: Like me and i'll love you
3: Like this page. It'll cure cancer
4: Like me or I'll cry
5: Like,share,comment. Or don't bother Im not fussed...PLEASE LIKE ME!
6: If I get to *** likes (insert milestone number) a girl I like will sleep with me
7: If I get to *** likes a girl you like will sleep with you
8: If I get to *** likes my wife will sleep with you. (NO SHE WILL BLOODY NOT *wife)
9: Jab/prod/smash/bash/poke/bump/grind...? the like button
10: Share my page, prove my faith in humanity is worthwhile

Or other animal based plead's!
12: The like button will gain you eternal glory in the afterlife
13: If you don't press the like button you be in the afterlife...
14: The haunted lady will haunt you unless you and 10 other friends like my page. Keep the chain going!!!!!
15: Share me and I'll share you...erm...
16: If you like me and you know it click the link.If you like me and know it click the link etc etc

So click the like and share button yo!

Allow me to help. Use the pointer thingy and press the left button of the thumb icon thingy.

So allow me to send you to the realm of Elven prosperity. If you would but lend me the like...
21:  If you are wondering whether to like me and share my page, ask yourself... What would Jesus do? 
22: Please sir, can I have more likes? Sad face... 

So there are a few prime lines to entice your future followers!
Okay so in reality most of these are probably not the best way to go about gaining the attention of the masses. But you would be surprised what strange and properly silly lines some people say that does the job of sticking in the mind. 

I mean, look at Pewdiepie...

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Review: Hatsune Miku Project Diva F. PS Vita

To try it is to...

"What the heck is Hatsune Miku?". I'm sure that will be the first question on many's lips. Just know that many, many other's will consider that an insult as the correct question should be "Who the heck is Hatsune Miku?". To put it simply, Hatsune Miku is a Japanese popstar. A HUGE Japanese popstar with a unique voice, typically massive eyes, bright hair and skimpy-bordering on inappropiate-dress sense. To the uninitiated your next question may be: "So what? What makes her different from the countless other Japanese pop idols". Well how about the fact she dosn't exist? Thought that may get your attention. Allow me to explain.

  So Hatsune Miku is indeed a HUGE J-pop idol with sell out tour's a plenty, a plethora of merchandise including, of course, two PS Vita video games (The first of which in question here *ed) and yet she does not exist in the real world. Yes, those crazy Japanese went and made a digital pop star. Hatsune Miku is all digital,even down to the synthesized voice referred to commonly as a Vocoloid. Everything about the persona that is Hatsune Miku is made, produced and animated using a computer. And she is, in my opinion, excellent.

Rhythm Action At It's Finest.

So thats Hatsune Miku. "But what about Hatsune Miku project diva F?" will no doubt be the third question on many's minds. Well Project Diva F is, rather obviously, a rhythm action game featuring the pop diva and her digital friends performing new and well loved song's. These songs range from 200 bpm monster J-pop dance tunes to slower,smoother balads. The soundtrack is really quite ecclectic and excellent. And when I say excellent, what I really mean is excellent with a great big mysterious asterix (* for those wondering *ed) next to it. In other words I'll come back to that shortly.
  The aim of the game is to press buttons in time to the song played out onscreen. All the  PS vita's face button's come into use,pressing them as the icon's fly toward the relevant cross, circle, square or triangle button's. The touch screen comes into play too requiring deft swipes and rub's at certain intervals. Bonus section's appear during tricky section's and only "good" or "cool" button presses are acctepted ensuring intense play on harder difficulties. Button icon's can litterally fly from anywhere on the screen so concenration and focus is needed to get the games "excellent" rating.  This all adds up to a very addictive, very challenging game.

On top of the standard rythm gameplay there are various extra modes to keep you in Hatsune Miku's world including a Tamagotchi-esk game involving dressing, feeding and touching (... *ed) Hatsune or one of her digital friends. Dresses,toy's and various miscellaneous item's are rewarded in the main game and its here where you can use them for your pleasure. If the above sound's worrying and borderline perverse then dont worry. It's innocent enough and is an optional extra. Another optional extra is an augmented reality mode where Hatsune and friends can be put in various poses and photographed over a real world background. 
  Both these extra modes are a neat addition and thankfully optional. Some people will love the pet mode, others may want to stear clear. They dont impose on the main game at all.

Its All A Matter Of Taste.

Earlier I put a wopping big asterix next to my statement of the music in Hatsune Miku Project Diva F being "ecclectic and excellent". I do indeed believe the music to be upbeat, addictive, feel good, just a little zany and extremely catchy. However that is just my opinion. Opinion's, especially opinion's on music can vary wildly and while one person may think Mozart is a musical genius, other people may think the same of Jedward or The Cheeky Girls. Its a sad fact and the reason I cannot wholeheartedly recommend this game to everyone. The cheesy and over the top japanese performance's in this game will be utter brilliance to some and a bit too much for many. If you are still reading up to this point then chances are you are in the former's camp. This game is the ultimate definition of "niche" which to a few will only make the game more attractive and enticing to them. I am one of these people and after giving the game a try I can say with no shame that I am a fan of not just Hatsune Miku Project Diva F, but of the J-pop star herself.

What I Would Pay For This Game.

While I cannot recommend this game to everyone. Anyone with an interest in rhythm action games, Japanese culture, or just willing to give something different a try should absolutely do so with this game. It's pretty. It's crazy. It's Japanese and I am glad I decided to give the game a bash.

I would pay £15 for Hatsune Miku Project Diva F

Saturday, 28 February 2015

Food for thought: No this post isn't white and bloody gold!

cool and stupid are closer than you think...

The white and gold dress debate that is currently raging through the internet (Faith, humanity, yada yada yada *ed) is not actually a new and amazing topic of discussion. It's just a bit (alot *ed) silly and the next "big thing" people in scool yards/back gardens/office canteens can discuss and debate about. And to be honest, I am probably 12 hours too late writing this blog as many of you that frequent the internet may already be saying "what the %*&^ are you talking about?!". Such is the nature of these "flash in a pan" viral products. So allow me to back up a touch...

On Thursday a picture became viral on the internet. This picture depicted a simple white and gold dress. Within hours the internet was full of images,memes, and pictures regarding the dress It even appeared on news reports as people debated whether the dress was white and gold or a different combination of colours. Because apparently some people saw black and gold, or blue and gold, or blue and yellow. The picture was a simple trick that sparked a torrent of theories and explanations as to why people saw different colours.

So there you have it. Cool? I don't think so. I think it is a sad day when the world is discussing the colour of a dress. But then again. I am one who guffaws in delight every time I see a Chuck Norris meme. 
  That has me thinking: What is the difference between something that is truly witty and clever, or something that is clever enough to create a worldwide debate?

I believe its a thin line between the two. Either way the creators of this viral phenomena need to be acknowledged as smart(ass *ed) individuals. Its a stange thing when you think about it as gaining notoriety and being ignored can be an incredibley slim version of the oforementioned thin line.
For example, a Youtube video that went viral a while back entitled "Angry german kid" depicted a young german teenager trashing his computer in frustration while playing a videogame. Around the same time (perhaps even before) this video was released I personally saw a few other similar videos depicting children/teenagers/adults getting frustrated on a video game and doing damage to either the console,the T.V or in one hilarious video, themselves ( I believe its called " T.V drops on stupid kids foot" or something like that) and yet with a fraction of viewers as the "Angry German kid" video. Why is this? What is so special about the German kid video that garnered all the attention? 

The same can be said I suppose of many things within pop culture and the media. After all one persons Ying can be another's Yang. And as said before there must be a certain amount of strategy and timing in ensuring the product attracts the public eye.
   I enjoy watching the occassional Lets play video (person playing a video game and commentating whilst playing *ed) yet I prefer RadBrad over the hugely popular Pewdiepie. Is RadBrad "better" than Pewdiepie? Thats up for eternal debate and mostly down to preference, as most things in life should be. As long as people understand there is a brilliant and beautiful world away from the internet I see no harm in viral products.
  Just please dont let me see that stupid dress again...

Friday, 27 February 2015

Pop Culture News

Star Trek legend Leanard Nimoy dies aged 83

It is a sad day when one of your heroes dies. That unfortunately is the case as actor Leanard Nimoy AKA Star Trek's Spock died in Los Angeles this morning.

Leanard Nimoy, popularly known as the half human half vulcan in Star Trek was an extraordinary man who,along with his Star Trek cohorts put Sci-fi on the map. Before Star Trek if you wanted anything remotely serious or thought provoking it would be a trip to the local library. Something which didn't do the geeks and the nerds any favours back in the day. However Leanard Nimoy's portrayal of spock really brought Sci-fi to the attention of million's. I remember as a child watching the then brand new Star Trek: The Next Generation T.V series and wondering why Spock was a robot and why Kirk was bald. Hey, I was young.

The legend unfortunately revealed he had contracted chronic lung disease last year and earlier this morning, after being in hospital for a week lost the battle. Whilst in hospital he left his final tweet, which was of course as poetic and deep as he was. It read "A life is a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory.  LLAP". The final letters refering to his legendary Spock quote "Live long and prosper".

A little known fact is Spock's hand gesture (The index and middle finger speading out to make a V sign) was heavily influenced by a Jewish parade he witnessed as a child. He was told by his father to put his hands over his face as he was walking through a crowd of Jewish men performing a ritual. Young Leanard of course took a peek from behind his hands and witnessed the men performing the hand gesture we know and love. It's actually a religious shape,representing the letter "shin".
   Needless to say the memory stuck with Leanard Nimoy and before performing a scene in Star Trek where the viewers would first see Vulcan, Leanard suggested the gesture as a "hand shake" the Vulcans would do to greet each other. Hence a legend was born and almost fifty years later people still enjoy the Sci-Fi show. Few would argue this has alot to do with Leanard Nimoy and his iconic role

The man certainly did live long and prospered and this particular fan has a heavy heart due to the death of such a marvelous and iconic man.

Thursday, 26 February 2015

Review: The Order 1886

Excuse me waiter, there's a penis in my video game.

Games have grown up. True, the industry has been saying this for years but I think only over the last year or two this has really been the case. With adult and intense stories like The Last Of Us and The Walking Dead video game pathing the way for how a game can be more than a nerdy passtime. Gone (almost *ed) are the days of dev's thinking a bit of boob and more F bomb's than a Roy Chubby Brown tribute act convention are whats needed to make a game grown up. The Order 1886 follows in the ironic trend of a game trying to be more than one. And to this gamer, my word does it work.
   The problem however is not that games have grown up-they have- but that gamers havn't. I will try my best to focus on the qualities and fault's of The Order 1886 throughout this review but it must be brought to peoples attention how hypocritical the gaming industry can be.
   When the PS3 was in its infancy it had a library of, shall we say underwhelming games. Games like Resistance: Fall of man, Genji: Days of the Blade and the standard of average EA sports titles meant fan's were desperate for the first Killer app of the 7'th gen. They got it with Uncharted. Uncharted was (and still is) a cinematic mish mash of story and game and it worked. It worked so much that Nathan Drake became a mascot of playstation and starred in three more games,with another Uncharted to come to PS4 this year. But back to the first game (and my point! *ed), the first Uncharted was a single player experience with around seven hours on the clock once the game was beat. It got 8's and 9's and as stated above was praised as a masterpeice. The Order 1886 is a single player experience with around seven hours on the clock once the game is beat. The marks it has recieved from critics? 5's and 6;s Its this hypocrisy in the gaming industry that this particular gamer feels will be the death of our beloved hobby.

For Queen and Country, guv'nor.

   Anyway,rant over, in terms of the game itself. It has a fantastic blend of cinema and cover based third person shootery that really pulls you into the steampunk universe. The game takes place in (you guessed it) 1886 at the peak of the industrial revolution. The queen vic is in power (the person not the pub *ed), London is full of fog, Jack the ripper is on the loose and Werewolfs run rampant.
   Yes this is an "alternate" London with the aforemention Lycans causing a problem for our games protagonist's, a bunch of Knights no less. This review will contain no spoilers of any sort because part of the apeal of this game is to draw you into its mystery and intrigue. Needless to say there are twists and turns a plenty and this particular gamer didnt see many of them coming.
   As for the gameplay itself. The shooting is tight and the weapons feel sufficiently powerful. The Thermite rifle being a favorite involving covering an area with thermite gas then igniting the gas with a flare. There are area's where you are doing nothing but walking through the foggy suburbs of Whitechapel and even stealth sections. All these don't impose too much on the staple gameplay of area to area exploration and shooting. The game does nothing you havn't seen countless times over the last few years however what it does, it does very very well. And again with such an atmosperic setting and story it hooks you like its the first time you have seen such mechanics in a game.

Bit short innit? Thats what she said. Arf arf.

Of course a review of such a big release like The Order 1886 would'nt be complete without regarding the elephant in the room. Its length. Well let me ask you, what would you prefer? A game with fetch quests, side activities  and many hours of exploring the same area before progressing the story? Or a game that is no longer than it needs to be to ensure the narrative is tight,well paced and immersive? If your ideal game is the former,this may not be for you and you may find more enjoyment in games like Destiny or Dying light. If however you love a good story then look no further. The Order 1886 is a great one.

How much I'd spend on this game.

   So in summary, I love The Order 1886. It has just what I want from a narrative driven game. A great narrative. The length dosn't come into it. After all, did you hear people complaining that Bambi was only an hour long? Of course not. It's a great film and adding any more to it would just detract from the overall experience.
   Oh and yes. There is a penis in this game.

I would pay £40 for The Order 1886.

Blog list: Things my four year old says and their translations

My four year old son is so grown up. He tries to always get in the conversation whether he knows what the conversation is about or not. However, he IS four and some words or phrases he still dosn't quite have the hang of. I thought it would be fun to share them...

Translation's at the bottom for all those trying to guess :)

1: Dumptruck and wiimote
2: Mario Kitten
3: Kindle-egg
4: Purple Juice
5: White sauce
6: Tartar sauce
7: Angry Tekken
8: Teenage Hurdles
9: Eggscusting
10: PsPeter
11: Welcome to the future!(Got to sing it)
12: Captain Mario
13: Dr Falcon
14: Minibuttons
15: Candle Kong

Bless him I do love the little tyke. He does try...
Now the translations:

1: Nunchuck and Wiimote
2: Mario 3D World
3: Kinderegg
4: Blackurant/ Ribena
5: Mayonaise
6: Tomoto sauce
7: Street fighter X Tekken (When he asked what game i was playing i pronounced it Street Fighter cross Tekken)
8: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
9: Discusting
1o: Ps Vita
11: Trials: Evolution (He can only sing the title theme bless him)
12: Dr Mario
13: Captain Falcon
14: Minions (Dispicable Me)
15: Cranky Kong

So there you have it. He isnt perfect but he's only four and i wouldnt change him for all the money in the world. After all, it does make for some hilarious situation's!

Please blurt out a verbal notion or butt bounce that like button. Or do both, I promise the space time continuum will not explode...probably...

Upcoming content: Review's

 In this modern world we occupy many thing's are within arm's reach. Mobile phone's with multiple features that go way beyond the obligatory answering and making call's. T.V's that are no longer constrained by schedule or region (Thank you Netflix/Amazon/Now etc) and people who like nothing more than gush praise or rain wrath upon a piece of entertainment.
   The latter is what I am going to be throwing my "tupence" at in future blog's. Of course this being my blog and this being me with no journalistic expertise what so ever I thought I would use this prelimenary post to establish a few ground rules.
   Firstly and most important. These reviews will be solely MY opinion. Yes I know that statement has been thrown around more than Jeremy Kyle has had facebook condemmed on his shows but i mean it. Will you agree with my opinion's and rating's? Perhaps. Will I force my opinion upon you like its gospel? Of course not. After all its your opinion.
   Secondly my rating. Ratings are, in my opinion (see how this works? *ed) not needed as they are right now. And I believe that there are only two reasons as to why anyone would buy a product. Whether you enjoy that sort of thing in the first place (e.g. You are into the "genre" of the film/game etc) and how much the product is. Whilst I could never influence either I can share my opinion as to whether it is "worth" the price of admission. So for future post's concerning a review, rather than having a score at the end like most journalistic publications have. I will share mt thoughts on how much i would be willing to spend on the product. This way, you can decide if my pricepoint means the product is "worth" it to you. Simple eh?
   Reviews for a few things i have watched and played recently will be coming to this blog very very soon so feel free to leave a comment on what you think of my scoring mechanism or by all means piledriver that like button like the Zangief Zealots you know you are...Thank you

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Short Blog

Sorry for not updating daily folks. Had a highly dangerous and life threatening illness. It's an illness many males can unfortunately get and is a widely underestimated and even in some cases contagious illness that simply demands more recogition.
   So I'm dedicating my mini blog today to raising awareness. If you have a husband, partner, brother, father, uncle, grandfather or god forbid a son who has or is suffering from man-flu please show the illness the respect and attention it deserves.
Thank you

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Food For Thought: Am I Too Old To Be A Gamer?

In this first post of the "Food For Thought" series of blog's I simply must throw the question out there. But before we get to the question (those of us too impatient to wait should perhaps check the title of this post) allow me to give you a bit of my personal background.
   I am a 33 year old married man with two kids and a loving (UNDERSTANDING *wife) wife. I am happy with my family with no real issues to talk about. I also own a PS3, PS4, Xbox one, WiiU, 3DS, PSVita, Wii and on the Wii i have the "Virtual console" with games from the Snes, NES, Megadrive, N64 and neo geo systems. And I play and enjoy every single one of them on a daily basis. I perhaps sink in around 15-20 hours of gaming per week and consider it a personal injustice if pesky things like real life get in the way of an expected gaming session.
   My question is this: Am I getting too old to be into gaming as much as I am? Be aware I always make time for my kids and wife,they absolutely do come first. Its just that gaming is a very close second.
   In this day and age of connected communities via Facebook or Twitter etc things are not like they used to be. This isnt our parents era of no T.V or social media. No video game consoles or things to do inside your house other than house duties or-ahem- extra curricula activities (Yes Jamie, that is where babies come from *ed). No back in our parents time if we wished to do anything enjoyable it meant going to that most dangerous of places: Outside.
   Bringing you back to the present we now of course have T.V and soaps and games and Facebook and Netflix and Ebay and a whole host of things to ensure that the aforementioned and dreaded "outside" is kept as far away from our thoughts as possible,
   I exaggerate and I love nothing more than a good restaurant or place to take the family, yet always at the forefront of my mind is that next scene in Metal Gear Solid 4 I must get to. Or a new strategy to ensure I finally become a level 32 hunter in Destiny. Even thinking of trying out new games that perhaps a guy of my age shouldnt be interested in like the latest Pokemon or Inazuma Eleven game. Yes gaming is in my very blood and ten-fifteen years ago I would know that maybe it is time to stop being a "big kid" and "grow up" and all that nonsense. I would be able to hear Danny Glovers imortal quote:"I'm getting too old for this shit" resonate through my grey matter and i would more than likely agree with my conscience and hang up the gaming gloves, though quite why my conscience would be an angry black American cop is beyond me....
   Anyway gaming has evolved in technology and perception and is much more accepted nowadays. I know that I don't intend to give up my hobby without a fight. But should I fight so hard to keep the dream alive? Or is it truly time I "grow up" and listen to my Danny Glover flavoured conscience?

Food for thought...

Introductions are futile

Ever heard the phrase "Be careful what you wish for"?
Or how about "Its good to talk"?
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get"?
All the above could describe your past/future/lifestyle and indeed all the above have something in common: They are quotes.
  Quotes are a powerful thing and we use popular quotes in everyday life more than you probably think. Why? Because quotes enable us to connect and sympathise and recollect and generally make us realise that we may not be alone in this big game of life after all.
  What's my point with all this you may ask? Of course it would be wise and prudent to ask such a thing of me. Well my point dear reader is to activate that other common but widely unknown mechanic that popular culture uses on us on a regular basis: The hook.
   Yes my point is to interest you in my blog of inane ramblings ( some serious but most comical I assure you) and subconsciously get you to prod that like button. My aim in this blog is to comment and discuss, To rant and to analyse anything and everything, Mostly regarding things that interest me like film's, video games and pop culture because if I'm the one writing all this it should be something that I enjoy writing about. Here's hoping you will too.
   So of course an introduction regarding quotes wouldn't be much of an introduction without one. But which one best sum's up this page and entices you to keep on reading my blog? Ah, got it...ahem: "BE AFRAID. BE VERY AFRAID"

oh and I am 33, married, enjoy long walks on thE beach and pink sunsets etc etc.