Thursday, 26 February 2015

Blog list: Things my four year old says and their translations

My four year old son is so grown up. He tries to always get in the conversation whether he knows what the conversation is about or not. However, he IS four and some words or phrases he still dosn't quite have the hang of. I thought it would be fun to share them...

Translation's at the bottom for all those trying to guess :)

1: Dumptruck and wiimote
2: Mario Kitten
3: Kindle-egg
4: Purple Juice
5: White sauce
6: Tartar sauce
7: Angry Tekken
8: Teenage Hurdles
9: Eggscusting
10: PsPeter
11: Welcome to the future!(Got to sing it)
12: Captain Mario
13: Dr Falcon
14: Minibuttons
15: Candle Kong

Bless him I do love the little tyke. He does try...
Now the translations:

1: Nunchuck and Wiimote
2: Mario 3D World
3: Kinderegg
4: Blackurant/ Ribena
5: Mayonaise
6: Tomoto sauce
7: Street fighter X Tekken (When he asked what game i was playing i pronounced it Street Fighter cross Tekken)
8: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
9: Discusting
1o: Ps Vita
11: Trials: Evolution (He can only sing the title theme bless him)
12: Dr Mario
13: Captain Falcon
14: Minions (Dispicable Me)
15: Cranky Kong

So there you have it. He isnt perfect but he's only four and i wouldnt change him for all the money in the world. After all, it does make for some hilarious situation's!

Please blurt out a verbal notion or butt bounce that like button. Or do both, I promise the space time continuum will not explode...probably...

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