Wednesday, 4 March 2015

22 "inovative" lines to plead for likes/shares/thumbs up etc.

I Promise I Dont Stalk. Anymore.

I haven't been doing this blog for very long at all. Just over a week actually and its dawning on me that to get any sort of recognition requires not just hard work, but creative begging too. There are quite a few "beggars" out there,some of them witty, some of them cringeworthy yet all of them memorable. And thats what makes a difference. It doesn't really matter how annoying,strange of outragious the line is. If it sticks in the grey matter then you have a chance of earning those fabled likes or shares.
  So I thought it would be fun to think up some of my own. Some will be shamelessly straightforward, others you may find just shameless. Feel free to use them if you like. You never know,  you may get a few likes in the process. Or not...

1: Sharing is caring
2: Like me and i'll love you
3: Like this page. It'll cure cancer
4: Like me or I'll cry
5: Like,share,comment. Or don't bother Im not fussed...PLEASE LIKE ME!
6: If I get to *** likes (insert milestone number) a girl I like will sleep with me
7: If I get to *** likes a girl you like will sleep with you
8: If I get to *** likes my wife will sleep with you. (NO SHE WILL BLOODY NOT *wife)
9: Jab/prod/smash/bash/poke/bump/grind...? the like button
10: Share my page, prove my faith in humanity is worthwhile

Or other animal based plead's!
12: The like button will gain you eternal glory in the afterlife
13: If you don't press the like button you be in the afterlife...
14: The haunted lady will haunt you unless you and 10 other friends like my page. Keep the chain going!!!!!
15: Share me and I'll share you...erm...
16: If you like me and you know it click the link.If you like me and know it click the link etc etc

So click the like and share button yo!

Allow me to help. Use the pointer thingy and press the left button of the thumb icon thingy.

So allow me to send you to the realm of Elven prosperity. If you would but lend me the like...
21:  If you are wondering whether to like me and share my page, ask yourself... What would Jesus do? 
22: Please sir, can I have more likes? Sad face... 

So there are a few prime lines to entice your future followers!
Okay so in reality most of these are probably not the best way to go about gaining the attention of the masses. But you would be surprised what strange and properly silly lines some people say that does the job of sticking in the mind. 

I mean, look at Pewdiepie...

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